Playwright interview questions that you are going to love Playwright interview questions for Mid and Senior level quality assurance automation engineers
Playwright Interview Questions that you are going to hate Everybody hates it when they go to an interview and they are given live coding challenge that is written intentionally to make you fail, so the interviewer can prove his "superiority". Here are 12 playwright interview questions and answers, so you can have the advantage this time.
Playwright with Allure Reporter published on AWS S3 Bucket - full parallelization What is the journey we are going to embark on to today? * We will setup a Playwright framework with focusing on settings about full parallelization * Install Allure-playwright as reporter and configure to preserve history and trends using AWS S3 buckets * Configure AWS User to perform CLI commands in our github
Playwright tips and tricks #3 It's time to have a look under the hood of Playwright and understand a few details that will enhance our skills to be more creative. 1. Get more details about your test during test run There is a way that you can access some particular values related to your test
Full parallelization in Playwright How many workers should we setup in our config ? How many shards should we use in our CI ? Do we need fullyParallel true in Playwright config ? What does it even mean? If you ever asked any of these questions, then you are in luck. Here is a way you can
Debugging with Playwright Of course you know how to do debug your tests. Everybody knows how to do it. But not everybody does it in the same way. Here are a few ways to debug your tests using playwright Debug using Playwright trace viewer One of the most commonly used method is to
Playwright tips and tricks #2 I've written a post about tips and tricks and it got a lot of love. So, I've decided to do another one. 1. How to handle an element that appears after full page load in playwright One of those rare cases where an element will appear in DOM only after